Dear Friends,
I hope you are all having a rejuvenating summer. I just got back from a vacation in Michigan with the beloved and our pups, Shelby and Emma. Despite being of great size (she seems to be hovering at just about 120 pounds), Emma is a good travel dog, though quite a shedder - the interior of the minivan we rented was covered with her hair. Shelby and Emma most enjoyed playing in the lakes - Lake Michigan near Saugatuck and Carpenter Lake in Southfield. We returned home feeling tired but regenerated for the balance of our summer activities.
Sisterhood - new chapbook from Seven Kitchens Press
Ron Mohring runs a fabulous small publishing operation, Seven Kitchens Press, and he selected by chapbook for a small summer series.
Sisterhood was published in a limited edition of 49 copies at the end of June.
You can purchase a copy of
Sisterhood from Seven Kitchens Press here: for just $7 plus the cost of postage.
I also have a handful of my copies left and you can purchase a signed copy from me as well by sending $7 for the chapbook plus $1 for postage to via paypal.
These are some of my favorite poems and they are enhanced by the loving care of Ron in the small, handmade chapbook. I feel honored to be included in his publishing program and think that you will find
Sisterhood a little book to treasure.
ReviewsHandmade Love has been getting good reviews on the web. Angela Stubbs reviewed it for The Nervous Breakdown: Bryan Borland blogged about it here: Holloway reviewed the book and interviewed me here: WritingsTwo of the poems from Sisterhood were published in the May/June issue of the Women's Review of Books. If you don't subscribe to this great publication and are interested in learning more, look here: It's a great publication!
I've written a few reviews for
Lambda Literary this summer. Two links are below, and I must say, read Lambda Literary regularly - great reviews and interviews with LGBT writers are there. Every time I drop by
Lambda Literary, I add a book to my "to read" list. Handmade LoveStill don't have your copy of
Handmade Love? You can order it through the publisher's website here: Love is shipping from as well: out the first reader review on Amazon which was posted this week! And if you've read the book, feel free to add your own.)
If you prefer to support independent distributors, order
Handmade Love from Small Press Distribution here: finallyI'm now in the midst of writing my dissertation prospectus and doing research trips this summer to the New York Public Library and the feminist collections at Duke in Durham, NC. It is very exciting to be at this point in the PhD program. Everyday when I work on my dissertation prospectus and initial research I think, this is exactly what I want to be doing with my life.
I hope this email finds you well and thriving!
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